
Tell Them How They Feel? – Nurture

Wait? Wasn’t I supposed to tell my kids how I feel? Wasn’t I supposed to give them a piece of my mind when I don’t like their reactions and behaviors? Nope. Well, not initially anyway. I recently heard something about Emotion Coaching and when I did, it honestly sounded kind of “woo, woo” to me initially. Do we really need to validate our kids’ feelings all the time? Sometimes it’s made me wonder if it will make them soft or unwilling to listen unless their feelings are validated regardless of whether they are reasonable or not. It reminded me of Neil Miller, the stepfather of Charlie, in the classic movie The Santa Claus. Wasn’t he kind of creepy? I don’t want to be creepy. I just want to keep it real. Sometimes as a parent, I just want my kids to listen to me, not question and behave without the need for explanation or special handling. Sometimes I’m just tired and want them to perform or obey because I said so. Don’t we all have those moments? So, when my young daughter ru

I Was a Great Parent Until I Became a Parent - Guide

I took an interest in child development and parenting years before I became a mother. I read all the books and knew all the best techniques and was ready to excel in parenthood and produce amazing children I could be proud of. While I do feel this early preparation was helpful to me, I have many times come to realize that, like the old G.I. Joe cartoon used to say, “Knowing is only half the battle!” Okay, that’s all fine and good but what’s the other half? Oh, DOING. So, I have to successfully apply all of these parenting skills that are so beautifully laid out in those books and articles I had prepared myself with. Bummer! Real-life hits and it’s harder than you thought it would be when you read through those nicely worded scenarios printed in a book. What you dreamed… You come home from work, the house is clean and your kids are waiting at the kitchen table with a meal they have prepared. They are stellar because you taught them to be that way, naturally. What happens in real

Why YOU Must Come Before Your Child - Care for Self

So here's something that many of us don't do so well. As parents, we often put ourselves dead last on our list of things to take care of. In an effort to be the best parent we can be, we put our kids first always and our needs, wants, and desires take a back seat to our children.  Putting ourselves first, would be selfish, right?  Wrong.  What if I told you that if you neglected your self-care, it would make you a bad parent? If not, today then tomorrow, or the next day eventually you would be drained and unable to be who you want to be for your kids. Remember the instructions you get on an airplane about those oxygen masks? Why do they tell you to put your mask on before helping your child? It's because if you pass out, there won't be anyone there to help your child. Taking care of your personal way of being is the foundation for good parenting. Check out "The Parenting Pyramid" and when you are struggling with parenting woes, it might be time to look at your